Merchant Risk Predict

Predict merchant fraud

Introducing Merchant Risk Predict 

Our most detailed merchant fraud insights ever

Get merchant fraud protection to make your risk management even smarter. 

Merchant Risk Predict

Predictive insights, integrated with your systems

Merchant Risk Predict uses artificial intelligence to provide acquirers 7 predictive scores, assessing the likelihood of future merchant fraud. And with merchant scores for your transactions, you’ll have all the information you need to protect your business in real time.



Step one

Get 7 predictive scores for each merchant in real-time in the authorization messages. 

Step two 

Use the predictive scores to enhance your merchant fraud monitoring systems. 

Step three

Make the most informed decisions on how to manage the risk from each merchant. 

Protect your business

Minimize losses

By predicting fraud before it happens

Improve margins

By preventing excessive chargebacks

Reduce risk

By flagging compliance risks


More about Merchant Risk Predict

How can I get the most out of it?

You’ll get the best value out of Merchant Risk Predict when you use the 7 predictive scores to inform your own merchant portfolio risk modelling and analytics. 

What are the scores based on?

Our state-of-the-art artificial intelligence models are trained on anonymized data from our global network, identifying and learning from patterns of fraud. See our Data Responsibility principles for how we protect privacy when we use data from our global network. 


How do I interpret the scores?

Refer to the Merchant Risk Predict product guide in our Technical Resource Center. If you have more questions, your account manager is the best person to ask or reach out at

Which transactions is it available for?

All dual-message transactions. 

How do I get the scores?

During a transaction, the 7 predictive scores for all dual-message transactions will appear in the 0110 authorization message, in Data Element 48, Sub Field 57. 

If you want to check the scores outside of the authorization process, you can also query the Merchant Risk Predict application programming interface (API). 

If you’re having trouble getting the scores, check the tech update on Mastercard Connect (AN6773) in the Technical Resource Center, which describes the technical development required. 

Let’s talk more about how we can help with merchant fraud protection