Custom rules to suit your unique business needs.

On-behalf authorization anytime, to support business needs 

A turnkey solution allowing you to set custom rules and maintain control and flexibility to bolster your payment resiliency. 

On-Demand Decisioning 

Through On-Demand Decisioning, Mastercard can decision transactions on your behalf at any time to support business needs — from short-term urgent needs to long-term strategic priorities.  

Short-term: Urgent needs

Handle unforeseen delays to card reissuance or activation and ensure load balancing during peak times. 

Medium-term: Priority-based needs

Use custom rules to decision transactions containing values that you have not yet coded for.

Long-term: Strategy-focused rules

Manage your portfolio to facilitate compliance with new rules, mandates and regulations. 

Making it easy to approve more genuine transactions. 

Ensuring a positive cardholder experience

Simple and cost efficient

Eliminate costly development requirements

Speed to market

Enabled at a moment's notice

Reduce losses

Help prevent cardholder attrition

Direct access

Bypass roadblocks to valuable technology and insights

Future proof

Access to actionable insights

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