Reporting and analytics

Get the insight edge

Bespoke payments data analysis to inform clearer, more strategic business decisions


Our reporting & analytics solutions provide strategic business insights, support regulatory obligations, and enhance operational efficiencies. They are available to individual financial institutions, central banks, consortia of banks and payments network operators and schemes.

Report on core metrics

Operational and regulatory reporting, bespoke analytics, and self-service tooling to help banks comply with regulatory reporting obligations and make more strategic business decisions.

Predict and forecast outcomes

Statistical data modelling and stress testing to help financial institutions quickly and cost-effectively anticipate operational and market risks. 

Benchmark market and competitor positioning 

Comparable and meaningful analysis to help financial institutions (or central authorities or schemes) understand their performance to their peers.

Classify account and transaction purpose

Labelling, categorisation and/or scoring of payments data to provide financial institutions and schemes with intelligent macro-economic insights.